What is 8ing?

In a nutshell, 8ing is…
A group of creators
who keep on tackling challenges in the field of game development
8ing’s works, which span over 30 years, are the history of these challenges. Developing new game titles also means encountering new platforms, new genres, and new technologies. 8ing has been boldly rising to the challenge and proactively tackling new tasks that emerge one after another. Such challenges will continue into the future, along with the evolution of the game…
Keywords that make up 8ing
From the planning phase to gold master
Flexible team formation
Trusted partner
8ing is one of the few game developers in Japan capable of providing one-stop game development from the planning phase—through prototyping, production, tweaking and bug fixing—to gold master. We have built a flexible organizational structure that allows us to form development teams optimized to meet the needs of both large and small projects, as well as a variety of requests. We aim to be a trusted advisor and game production partner for companies looking to create games.
The origin of 8ing’s company name
EIGHTING, our company name, is a coined word from “8” and “-ing.”
The “8” comes from the number eight in nanakorobi yaoki*, which means to strive to achieve your dreams without fear of failure, while the “-ing” represents our desire to keep pushing forward to reach a big goal without stopping.
*Nanakorobi yaoki: A Japanese proverb meaning to fall down seven times and get up eight times. In other words, to keep getting back up and persevering no matter how many times you fail.