Reliability and experience
Over 30 years, we have built on relationships with many major game companies, accumulating know-how in handling IP titles and developing a confidentiality system.

Ongoing relationships with many major game development companies
Over the years, we have continued to actively work on titles in a variety of genres for platforms that change with the times—including arcade games, consumer games, mobile games, and PC games. Building on our relationships with many clients has allowed us to remain constantly involved in the field of game development.

Experts in handling a wide range of IPs (intellectual properties)
Famous titles that are expected to sell in large volumes have many fans, and it is our responsibility to meet their quality expectations. In addition, IP titles based on comics, movies, and TV programs require the ability to propose plans that bring out the best of the original work. We utilize the know-how we have accumulated through many years of experience in the development of new titles.

Strict confidentiality system
Since we encounter information not generally known to the public whenever we develop new game titles, we take great care to prevent information leaks and are able to receive orders from multiple clients at the same time. We also take measures such as forming entirely independent lines, especially when handling highly confidential information.

Part of the COLOPL Group
Having become a member of the COLOPL Group in August 2016, we are strengthening our efforts in games that require high-end technologies and rich expression under a robust financial structure.

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